Three Hail Marys

Help now and at the hour of death

Praying to Mary

The prayer of the Three Ave

3 Ave

Do you know this very simple prayer?

Received in a revelation from the Blessed Virgin to Saint Mechtilde (13th century), and spread throughout the world by Saint Leonard of Port-Maurice and Saint Alphonsus Liguori, it consists of saying three Hail Marys every morning and every evening in honor of the Holy Trinity.

The first in honor of the Omnipotence conferred by the Father on Our Lady; the second in honor of the Wisdom given to her by the Son; the third in honor of her Mercy received from the Holy Spirit. In return, the Blessed Virgin promises to assist us at the hour of our death. Countless graces have been obtained through daily fidelity to this devotion. Certainly, there are many ways to implore the Blessed Virgin. Nevertheless, this one deserves to be rediscovered because of its effectiveness and simplicity.

3 minutes each morning + 3 minutes each evening = numerous graces.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Download the prayer of the Three Ave

The Novena of the Three Ave

3 Ave

For a particular grace, to be recited for nine consecutive days

At the beginning of the last century, Father Jean-Baptiste de Chémery became the promoter of the Three Ave Maria prayers. A faithful person had the idea of reciting three Hail Marys for nine days for a specific intention. Her prayer was answered, and she came to tell Father about it.

Prudently, Father asked several acquaintances, who did not know each other, to practice this "novena". All were answered! Father saw this as a confirmation from the Blessed Virgin.

That is how he wrote the following novena, in line with the revelation of the Blessed Virgin to Saint Mechtilde : to honor each person of the Trinity for the privileges granted to the Blessed Virgin.

Download the Novena of the Three Ave

Contact us to receive the novena or the Three Ave prayer card by mail.

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    Consecrate Yourself to Our Lady of the Trinity

    By placing your personal and family activities under the guidance of Mary, you invoke her protection and assistance in all your endeavors. In return, you promise not to undertake anything that might displease her and to conform your entire life to her guidance and desires.

    What is it for?

    By consecrating ourselves to Our Lady, we receive peace and guidance to keep us from stumbling. We are thus protected.

    For whom?

    Anyone can consecrate themselves to Mary. However, we recommend that parents have their children and grandchildren consecrated from a young age.

    Request a Consecration

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      To consecrate oneself to Mary,
      is to choose her as Mother.

      St Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort

      Demander une consécration
      Thanking the Virgin Mary

      Thanking the Virgin Mary

      Share your testimony

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        The Archconfraternity

        Archi-What ?

        3 Ave

        What is an archconfraternity ?

        • The confraternity is a group of people who desire to help each other. Here, it's through prayer !
        • An archconfraternity gathers under its authority several confraternities with similar goals
        • The Archconfraternity of the Three Ave Marias gathers other confraternities with common goals: honoring the Holy Trinity, for example

        The goal ?

        3 Ave

        What is the goal of our archconfraternity ?

        • To thank the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for the three great privileges of Power, Wisdom, and Mercy granted to the Virgin Mary
        • To obtain through the Immaculate Virgin all graces, particularly to avoid sin and to die in friendship with God

        What Interest ?

        3 Ave

        I already pray the Three Hail Marys every day. Why become an archconfrere ?

        • To be united with others in prayer and carry their intentions
        • To know that others are praying for me
        • To obtain indulgences for myself and the deceased

        Who should I do ?

        3 Ave

        What does this commit me to ?

        • Just register and recite three Hail Marys each day for the intentions of other members and the association
        • It is advised to pray three Hail Marys each morning and evening adding: "Virgin Mary, preserve me from mortal sin during this day / this night"
        • Before the feasts of the Immaculate Conception, the Annunciation, and the Assumption, it is recommended to recite the novena to prepare one's soul to celebrate the feast
        View Description

        Contact Us

        To receive prayer cards

        To receive free cards of the Three Ave Maria, the novena, or for any other inquiries, contact us via this form. Don't forget to provide your postal address so that we can send you the cards.

        To receive free cards of the Three Ave Maria, the novena, or for any other inquiries, contact us via this form. Don't forget to provide your postal address so that we can send you the cards.

          By submitting this form, I agree that the information entered will be used for processing my request and I have read the General Personal Data Policy.